Hi, I’m Karl,
I’m an Artist, Designer, and Engineer.
Bootstrapping a studio: Capsule.Graphics. Rebuilding CAMPING, a Ruby Web Framework. Researching KonaScript, a new programming language.
Links: me@kow.fm, Mastodon, TwitterHellsite, LinkedIn, SPAM, Dribbble, 🎙️podcast… (coming soon).
The wren programming language
I've been writing my own programming language, named Kona, and along the way I discoverd and really fell in love with Wren.
Fuck it
I’ve got more to lose than most when a guy comes into power that promises to deport my wife, my extended family, and most of my friends, and my kid’s friends’.
Giving Up
I give up on a lot of stuff to take a break, catch my breath, and rest up a little. I'm tired.
New Blog
After accidentally nuking my last website I've finally pulled together a new personal website. kow.fm version 25.
Welcome to Jekyll
Yes that's right, Capsule is getting bigger, better, stronger! A new drug is in stock. Meet one of my favorite people.
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